Joshua Kasperek
I am:

A dirt biker

A surfer

A hardcore gamer

A hiker

A fisherman

A hunter

A rollerblader

A swimmer


Not a writer


An animal lover



A music lover

A camper

A fossil hunter

A traveler

A rafter

A candy lover


A marksman


A night person

A worker

A painter


Both my father Jim Kasperek and my stepfather Mark Holder have impacted my life by making me an angry person.

I try as hard as I can to overcome my anger with kindness, and it usually works, but sometimes I just get a little too angry and can't hold it in. They made me an angry person by cheating on my mother multiple times. I can’t believe that anyone could do that to her she is the kindest person that I have ever met.

My mother Anne Marie has been there all of my life. She is loving, funny, and understanding. She is one of the few people that I can really talk to. She is one of the kindest people that I’ve ever met. She is always understanding no matter what the circumstances. Trust me with Bradley as your son you would have to be understanding.  I don’t really know my stepmother. I used to see her every summer but she was always to busy.

My brother Bradley is a different story, he and I used to fight a lot. I mean we have been fighting ever since we were babies. We fought about everything from clothes to politics. We didn’t always have to have a reason sometimes he would tackle me out of the blue. I guess that all of the fighting has made me stronger, but it also pushed us further apart. 

 Pivotal Moments

         One pivotal moment in my life was the first time that I went hunting, and I was truly able to enjoy all that nature offers. I got to hunt and kill my own food for a few months.

         Another pivotal moment was when I finally fully realized what it meant when my mother would say that my father cheated on her. I didn’t really understand what it meant when I was young. 

What Makes Me Happy

·      A new gun

·      A full box of ammo

·      A good movie

·      Hanging out with friends

·      A good song

·      Video games

·      Paintballing

·      Rock climbing

·      Rafting

·      Relaxing

·      Fishing

·      Hunting

·      Dirt biking

·      Bar-B-Q’s

·      Holidays

·      Family

·      Dr. Pepper

·      Seeing other people enjoying themselves

    What Makes Me Sad

  ·      Out of ammo

·      Scratched games

·      Scratched movies

·      Dead batteries

·      Disrespectful people

·      Disappointing moments

·      Not fitting in

·      Not getting to go on vacation

·      Poverty

·      Death

·      15th prestige’s

·      Seeing people hurt

·      Breaking things

  My Strengths

·      Kind until the time comes not to be

·      Loving

·      Can sing

·      Friendly

·      Calm

·      Mannered

·      Observant

·      Quiet

·      Easy to get along with

·      Great sense of humor

·      Smart

·      Great gamer

·      Up beat

 Areas Of My Life That Need Work

·      Moody

·      Short tempered

·      Can get annoying

·      Really bad procrastinator

·      I am very shy

  What Is True Beauty


         The true beauty of a person is in their personality not in their physical appearance.  To me if a person is kind, caring, and considerate they are more beautiful than any bitchy model. Honestly especially with marriage you notice people by the way they look, but you marry them for their personality.

 What Is Friendship

         Friendship is like a furniture store; you need to get past all of the pieces of shit to find the few real ones that you can trust. A true friend is a person that that would stand up and protect you. A person that is able to realize what you are going through and try to help you through it. 

3 Characteristics of A Good Parent

1.            You must be very patient. You must be able to brush off the things that would normally piss you off because you shouldn’t scream and shout at your kids.

2.            You need pay attention. If your child does something wrong you need to tell them so that they can begin to make the connection that that is wrong. Also you don’t want them to wander off.

3.            Lastly be compassionate. You need to treat your kids with respect. You need to realize that they are their own person capable of making their own choices. All you can do is help guide them.

  What Is “Home”

           Home is where the heart is; it’s a place where you feel at peace. It’s a place where you don’t have to put on a show to hide your true self. It’s a place where you can be fully relaxed. 


         I am a Christian, so I believe in Jesus Christ, heaven, and hell. I try to follow the Bible but it doesn’t always work out. Sometimes I stray. I mean it’s hard to follow everything it says. Have you read the thing?

Define Success

         The way I would define success would be the act of achieving something you have been working towards. According to that definition I may not be successful yet but, I am on my way.  

What Are The Keys To My Future Happiness

         The key ingredients to my future happiness are focus and patience. I need to stay focused on my goal if I ever want to achieve it. I need to be patient and learn to not rush things that take time.

 Things I Am Grateful For

·      Friends

·      TV’s

·      Family

·      Computers

·      Music

·      Drums

·      Video Games

·      Bread

·      Water

·      Warmth

·      Dr.Pepper

·      Jeans

·      McDonalds

·      Converse

·      Starbucks

·      Boots

·      Longboards

·      Teachers that understand you

·      Sunny days

·      Speakers

·      Cell Phones

·      Pets

·      Ipods

·      Bikes

·      Swimming pools

·      Rollerblades

·      Rock Climbing

·      Guns

·      Tables

·      Knives

·      Chairs

·      Girls

·      Pens

·      Sleep

·      Pencils

·      Showers

·      Paper

·      Toilets

·      Paint

·      Headphones

·      Books

·      Interim Trips

·      Hiking

·      4th Fridays

·      Camping

·      Sinks

·      Fast food

·      Clothes